Saturday, September 24, 2011

Final Project

Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario
Del Richards

Brief Overview

I will implement classconnect into a group project. Students will follow the instructions I post on classconnect and submit their plans,materials list and documentation of the final project through classconnect.

Target Audience

The target audience for this Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario will be my Carpentry I class. The group of students is sophomores through seniors with 18 boys and 2 girls.


The materials needed for this project are: student’s desktop computers, blue print of a doghouse, 2x4’s, 2x6’s, plywood, siding, nails, shingles, and an access code for Classconnect.

Objective: At the end of this project, students will be able to:

• Demonstrate the use of the proper tools foe a specific carpentry building procedure.
• Demonstrate knowledge of the proper selection of material for site layout, floors, walls and roof systems.
• Demonstrate knowledge of reading and interpreting plans.
• Demonstrate problem solving skills.
• Analyze their experience with the project.


• The instructor will setup classconnect and provide the students with an access code.
• Students will research and find a doghouse plan and submit it for approval through classconnect
• Students will calculate building materials required to complete their project.
• Students will use a building materials website (example: Lowes, Home Depot) to price out the required materials.
• Students will calculate the final asking price.
• Students will keep an inventory log of materials.
• They will keep an inventory of actual materials used during the project.
• Start building the floor system following their plan.
• Start building the walls.
• Build the roof system.
• Evaluate list of materials actually used and determine the actual price.
• Students will post comments in classconnect forum on what worked well or what needs to be improved

Web 2.0

The web 2.0 tools that I will implement for this project is Classconnect. Classconnect allows me to post assignments with due dates. It has a forum for students to comment and they will have to turn in assignments through classconnect.

Social Participation

The social aspect of this project is to allow each student to share comments in the classconnect forum about what worked well or just share their experience with the project. The students will be able to learn from each other through the forum.

Making Connections

The entire project is using previous knowledge learned from several lessons. The knowledge learned from basic safety and the proper use of construction tools. The knowledge from blue print reading, floor systems, wall systems, and roof systems. The project is designed for the students to make the connections between the previous lessons and use that knowledge to build the final project. They will use the principles of home construction and apply it to building a doghouse.

The group project will be relevant to the students because they took ownership in the project by choosing the plan and having a choice in what they build.

Students will connect locally with their classmates in the forum within classconnect. They will have to make two posts during the project discussing their project or ideas about how the project is progressing.


Students will build a doghouse as their product. The students will also create an inventory of materials needed and another of the actual materials used. The project cost and the actual cost will be documented in the final product. The students will have real world experience in the project because if they use more materials than projected then they lose money (in the real world).


Students will receive a work ethic grade and I will use a rubric for the evaluation of the project. I will have one rubric for the documentation and one for the final project.


There will be a time for students to reflect on what went well, what needs to be changed and what would they do different if they had the opportunity. I will evaluate and write my reflections daily on any changes needed positive or negative.

Group Doghouse project rubric

Teacher Name: Richards

Student Name: ________________________________________

Excellent 20 possible
Good 15 possible points
Average 10 possible points
Poor 5 possible points
Not present in the project 0 points
Plan submitted
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
Material list
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
Price list
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
Floor system
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
wall system
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
roof system
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.
Final Project complete
Excellent work preformed. Quality of the work preformed was excellent.
Acceptable work to highly acceptable work was preformed. Quality of work preformed was good to very good.
Somewhat acceptable work to acceptable work was done. Quality of work performed was fair to good
Less than acceptable work was done. Quality of work was poor to fair.
Little to no work at all. Quality of work was poor to non-existent.

Doghouse project
Doghouse Group project

Directions: Read all of the steps before starting the project. The due dates for each step will be posted in Classconnect.

1. Research and find a doghouse plan submit the plan through the hand in tab on classconnect. (Google search,, etc.)

2. The plan has to be approved before you can start.

3. After your plan is approved you will need to calculate the building materials
(Floor system, walls, siding, and roof system) follow you plan.  The materials should be calculated from your plans. If your plan has a material list you should double check to make sure it is accurate.

4. Use your building material list and price out all the material required for your project. You should use a building material web site to price the material (Lowes, Home Depot etc.)

5. Calculate the final asking price

6. Start building you project using your plan. Keep an inventory of materials actually used during the project

7. Evaluate the inventory list of materials required and compare it to the list of materials actually used.

8. Post comments in the forum about what went well or what needs improvement. Also post your evaluation of the materials list (required materials vs. actual materials used).

9.  After reading each step ask me for approval before starting your search for your plan.

Saturday, September 17, 2011


I just finished adding assignments to the hand-in page. Just click on the green plus symbol next to assignments and a dialog box will appear to add your assignments. Students submit finished assignments through the hand-in page. The hand-in page logs the date turned in and the student’s name. I can access Classconnect from anywhere to grade the assignments. The idea of an electronic copy of the times each assignment is turn in takes away the possibility of a student try to say they turned it in and I must have lost it. I like the idea of all electronic assignments being turned in from students. I believe we waste to must paper but that is another story.

I believe the forum will be a great asset for students to post comments, questions and concerns. Post to the forum is easy with just the click of the green plus symbol next to create forum thread. I can’t wait to read some of the post and see how some of the students react to the implementation of new technology in the class.

I believe Classconnect is a great tool to use in my construction class. There are other features that I will use at different times. One feature that I believe will be of great value is the Livelectures. The LiveLectures is a little misleading because you can use active or archived lectures. I am excited to see how the new technology is received and how each student takes the change in direction of the class.


I decided to use classconnect for my Relevant and Innovative Learning Scenario (RILS) project. I posted previously on classconnect and decided it would work for my construction class. Classconnect provides an access code to the teacher to distribute to their students. The access code can be changed at any time if needed. Classconnect is easy to use and files are easily uploaded. If you have more than one of the same classes then the files can be shared. I have two carpentry classes so I shared the file with both classes. There is other options: filebox(stores files and videos), Docs (create or edit documents) and Grade book where you can keep up with students grades.

One of the features I like is the calendar. The calendar displays the project start and finish dates. It also will display due dates for each step of the project. The students can see when everything is to start and the due date. The access of the calendar with a time line at their fingertips should make managing the project easier for the students.

The calendar is so easy to use just click on the date and the add Calendar entry box appears so you can add descriptions. It is easy to edit an entry if needed. If you have more than one thing to display on the same day it will just add it under the first entry. The calendar is color coded for each item on the calendar example: green is for assignments, yellow is for projects and red is for test.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

BP7_one minute video

Here is my one minute video.


Classconnect is the Web 2.0 tool I wanted to try and see if it would work in my construction classes. The setup was real simple step-by-step instructions that included side notes and arrows pointing you to the right place. It was the simplest setup of the different Web 2.0 tools I have tried.

Classconnect is free for teachers and you can do many different things with your class. It is simple to Master the program. Classconnect offers short on demand tutorials on all their features. The ease of working with classconnect has me sold on the product.

 Teachers can manage files and build on line learning communities. Files can be uploaded and shared with different classes and even from semester to semester without having to re-upload or export them. Another option is to create and deliver interactive lectures. Teachers can set up each class and students have an access code to gain entry into the class. I set up four different construction classes.  Each class has about five different categories: Calendar, Forum, Share box, Live Lectures, and Hand in box. The calendar is great for assignments due dates and students can see up coming assignments. The forum has many different possibilities and the first I thought of was homework help. If a student needed some help at night then they could post their question to the forum so a fellow student could help. I like the feature of the hand in box. Students turn in their assignments through the hand in box and then there is no confusion on when it as turned. I like classconnect better than my first web 2.0 tool.