Sunday, September 11, 2011


Classconnect is the Web 2.0 tool I wanted to try and see if it would work in my construction classes. The setup was real simple step-by-step instructions that included side notes and arrows pointing you to the right place. It was the simplest setup of the different Web 2.0 tools I have tried.

Classconnect is free for teachers and you can do many different things with your class. It is simple to Master the program. Classconnect offers short on demand tutorials on all their features. The ease of working with classconnect has me sold on the product.

 Teachers can manage files and build on line learning communities. Files can be uploaded and shared with different classes and even from semester to semester without having to re-upload or export them. Another option is to create and deliver interactive lectures. Teachers can set up each class and students have an access code to gain entry into the class. I set up four different construction classes.  Each class has about five different categories: Calendar, Forum, Share box, Live Lectures, and Hand in box. The calendar is great for assignments due dates and students can see up coming assignments. The forum has many different possibilities and the first I thought of was homework help. If a student needed some help at night then they could post their question to the forum so a fellow student could help. I like the feature of the hand in box. Students turn in their assignments through the hand in box and then there is no confusion on when it as turned. I like classconnect better than my first web 2.0 tool.

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